Brian did you take a moment to think you should have a look at the Samba
website. There you will find the official how to's - the ones that everyone
should use instead of 3rd party crap.
Samba 3 By Example covers ldap step by step; almost fool proof.
Adrian Sender.
From: Brian White <>
Subject: [Samba] LDAP Upgrades (both Unix and Samba)
Sent: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:09:15 AM
The latest version of this document can be found at
Last Updated: 2006-05-23
I just upgraded our company's network from a system created 6 years ago (NIS
and SMBPASSWD) to an up-to-date one (for 2006, at least) including a central
LDAP server. It was a far from painless experience, so I thought I'd write
up the experience in the hope that it may help others. If I've left
anything out, please let me know. (or if I've
left there,
I used my own "cfile" utility ( to manage
the configuration files across multiple machines. I hope to package it up
for Debian soon.
Here's what I did... Note that I'm using Debian 3.1 as my installed