Nathan Vidican
2005-Nov-03 13:20 UTC
[Samba] building samba w/ ldap librairies from different location
Still encountering lockup issues, and because of other system dependancies (namely nss_ldap), cannot compile newer openldap (anything newer than 2.2.9), into the system locations. There was mention of simply 'modifying the build script' to make samba point to somewhere else for the ldap librairies, but how? Which script? I've got OpenLDAP 2.3.11 compiles into /usr/openldap (./configure'd with --prefix=/usr/openldap, so lib/include/bin/libexec/etc all under it's own tree there). I know I could override the compiler flags for -I, but will the configure script find the right ldap.h? -- Nathan Vidican Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.