Hello, I have got a problem with the installation of SAMBA. As I am a beginner in SAMBA installations, I hope somebody can help me. I use the SAMBA version of SuSe 9.3 and I try to connect several Windows 98 clients to the Samba server. My problem is: 1. I have created a new Linux / Samba user. 2. I log on with this account on a Windows 98 client, then I install a network drive and I log out. When logging out, the profile is transfered to the samba server. 3. When I now log on from another client with this account, I can not find any trace of that profile which was saved, although data was transfered between Samba and the client: The networt drive does not exist, the favourites in MSIE we not token, an the file "Eigene Dateien" (private data) was not token. I have tried out many things with control panel->user and control panel->passwords, but this did not solve the problem. I suppose that a simple configuration might be the problem, but I don't know what that could be. It would be great, if anybody out there could help me. Thanks alot, Benjamin