Hi all, Am using RPC Vampire to pull accounts from an NT4 PDC to a Linux box. The unit is connected as a BDC and vampire succeeds in extracting accounts on the NT box but only those which match the UNIX password parameters e.g. lower case and staring with a letter. Unfortunately, there are about 500 NT accounts that are witrh four digit numbers or are capitalised. I used a spreadsheet to drop the usernames to lower case and put an l in from the numerical usernames to get them to work on Linux. I have generated an smbusers file mapping the nam,es across in the form: linux name = nt name e.g. l1000 = 1000 l1001 = ........... fred = FRED etc. but when vampire ruins it doesn't seem to see the usermap file. I have the username map = /etc/samba/smbusers in smb.conf and vampire does everything it should other than these accounts. Any ideas please? Thanks, Julian PB Borden Grammar School