Andrés Yacopino
2005-May-10 20:19 UTC
[Samba] Resolution logon script trouble (net use lpt), a problem with windows 98se
Previus Post Andr?s Yacopino ayacopino at Mon May 9 13:43:51 GMT 2005 a.. Previous message: [Samba] samba and domain local groups b.. Next message: [Samba] login on WinNT and 9X c.. Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Good Morning, I have the some problem mapping printer ports on win98se. I think this problem ocurrs when a port is use by a printer, in example when i have a printer connected in lpt1, when i tried to map this port to a samba queue, it raises the error you told. Did you find any solution to this? It doesn 't happen on windows 2000, Windows xp. Thanks, Andr?s Yacopino Dpto Sistemas AcaSalud RESOLUTION SYMPTOMS When you are logging on to a Microsoft Windows NT domain from a Windows workstation, you may receive the following error message when you are capturing an LPT port in the Windows NT logon script: The device does not exist on the network CAUSE This error can occur if all of the following conditions exist: ? A NET USE command is issued in the logon script to map an LPT port to a network printer. ? The LPT port does not physically exist on the local computer. ? The Spool MS-DOS Print Jobs option is enabled in the printer's properties. Note that this option is enabled by default. RESOLUTION To resolve this issue, use the appropriate method to disable the Spool MS-DOS Print Jobs option. Individual Printer To disable the Spool MS-DOS Print Jobs option for an individual printer, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Printers. 2. Right-click the printer, and then click Properties on the menu that appears. 3. Click the Details tab, and then click Port Settings. 4. Click to clear the Spool MS-DOS Print Jobs check box. Multiple Printers WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious issues that may require you to reinstall Windows. Microsoft cannot guarantee that issuess resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. NOTE: For information about how to edit the registry, view the Changing Keys And Values online Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Note that you should make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat) before you edit the registry. To disable the Spool MS-DOS Print Jobs option for all printers on a Windows workstation, add the two DWORD values DOSSpoolMask PrintersMask Andr?s Yacopino
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