On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:31:08 -0500, Paul Gienger wrote:>
>Misty Stanley-Jones wrote:
>>On Monday 11 April 2005 04:09 pm, Bruno Tobias Stella wrote:
>>>Hello !
>>> I have a Samba Server with LDAP(OpenLDAP) authentication and
>>>Workstation that login in domain working all right.
>>> Now, I need to configure Linux workstations to log in Samba Server
>>>Domain. The Linux workstatios users are all in LDAP. How do I
configure to
>>>execute the 'login script' when a Linux user log in his
linux workstation ?
>>I would go at this a different way. You are storing loginShell in LDAP,
>>correct? Then simply create a per-user .bashrc or .login file and put
>>in their /home directory, preferrably when initially creating the
account by
>>means of /etc/skel. None of the commands are going to be the same as
>>Windows (or I can't imagine them being), so I think this is your
best bet.
>>Of course you would need to make the .bashrc or .login read-only to the
>>to prevent him/her changing it.
>Or one could use the global rc file. I believe it depends on your
>shell, but you would want to start looking at /etc/profile.
>Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Ok, but if I configure these rc files, when I execute the mount, I will need
to know the
linux user password and I do not want to ask his password again.
Is there a solution to I get the user password to execute the mount without
ask the user
password again ?
Thanks for helps,
Bruno Stella
Setor de Redes - (19) 3031-4165
Secretaria de Informatica
Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15a. Regiao