2004-Sep-02 17:50 UTC
[Samba] Samba 3.0.2 Joining an active directory domain
I am posting this in the hope it helps someone else. I have been pulling my hair out chasing a problem getting a Linux node running Samba to join an active directory domain controller (KDC). I did a lot of research searching for error messages in Google groups and Google web and did not find an suitable answer. The problem was that the second of 9 Linux boxes I was adding to the domain insisted on getting the Kerberos information right. The first box had joined cleanly, the other boxes kept failing, even when I got the "Organizational Unit" data correct. Kerberos was turned off on these Linux boxes as they lived in a lab environment. Messages I searched on: (real names changed) "Unable to find a suitable server" [2004/09/01 12:36:22, 0] libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_password(133) kerberos_kinit_password myid@mydomain failed: Cannot find KDC for requested realm realm must be set in in smb.conf for ADS join to succeed. realm of remote server (correct domain) and realm in smb.conf (wrong domain) DO NOT match. Aborting join ads_join_realm: organizational unit member does not exist (dn:ou=member,dc=dnsname1,dc=dnsname2,dc=COM) [2004/09/01 14:29:56, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1006) Host account for netbiosname already exists - modifying old account [2004/09/01 14:29:56, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_join_realm(1342) ads_add_machine_acct: No such object ads_join_realm: No such object The command being used was variations on: net rpc join -U Administrator -w MYDOMAIN -S MyKDCNode Solution: In my case, the solution revolved about the fact that the lab nodes that failed had two NIC cards. One to the corporate network and one to a non-routable network chaining them together. Adding the line: interfaces = to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file made the problem go away and the join worked. Robert E. Styma Principal Engineer (DMTS) Lucent Technologies, Phoenix Email: Phone: 623-582-7323 FAX: 623-581-4390 Company: Personal: