I've been using Samba 2.x authenticating UNIX and Samba users to OpenLDAP 2.0.x fro quite some time. Now I need to upgrade OpenLDAP to 2.2.x and Samba to 3.0.x. Although I've been using OpenLDAP with the old samba schema to authenticate Samba users, I did not have a PDC set up. Now when I try to use the convertSambaAccount script to move to the new Samba schema it says "You must provide a domain sid". The Samba documentation told me how to get the sid from my PDC but I don't have a PDC? Any suggestions? Thanks, Jason ===========
Gerald (Jerry) Carter
2004-Jul-04 20:57 UTC
[Samba] convertSambaAccount from non-PDC to non-PDC
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Jason Joines wrote:> I've been using Samba 2.x authenticating UNIX and Samba users to > OpenLDAP 2.0.x fro quite some time. Now I need to upgrade OpenLDAP to > 2.2.x and Samba to 3.0.x. Although I've been using OpenLDAP with the > old samba schema to authenticate Samba users, I did not have a PDC set > up. Now when I try to use the convertSambaAccount script to move to the > new Samba schema it says "You must provide a domain sid". The Samba > documentation told me how to get the sid from my PDC but I don't have a PDC?All Samba server's have a SID. The process will be the same whether you are a standalone server or a PDC. Hope this helps. cheers, jerry - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hewlett-Packard ------------------------- http://www.hp.com SAMBA Team ---------------------- http://www.samba.org GnuPG Key ---- http://www.plainjoe.org/gpg_public.asc "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home." ----------- Sting -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Darwin) Comment: For info see http://quantumlab.net/pine_privacy_guard/ iD8DBQFA6G7bIR7qMdg1EfYRAjLEAJwN8cTUcKtbYpec+WCIC5w3FCl3pgCeLhQ0 oEenbvzyNGvXhzX2xfpT6DU=B43N -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----