Check that the realm is mapped correctly to the KDC machine, via
kerberos config files or _kerberos DNS entries.
El jue, 26-02-2004 a las 16:20, Boniforti Flavio
escribi?:> Hello all!
> Is anybody there who can help me in the task of having my Linux-box
> joined our AD Windows 2000 Server?
> I'm using Fedora Core 1, I've installed samba and krb5-workstation
> SWAT. I configured samba, but I would like to check it with some of you!
> In fact, I get following errors when trying to join:
> [root@boniforti root]# net ads join DOM-VCO -U Administrator
> Administrator password:
> [2004/02/26 14:08:37, 0] libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_password(133)
> kerberos_kinit_password Administrator@PROVINCIA.VERBANIA.IT failed:
> Cannot
> find KDC for requested realm
> [root@boniforti root]# kinit
> kinit(v5): Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial
> credentials
> [root@boniforti root]# kinit administrator@DOM-VCO
> kinit(v5): Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial
> credentials
> Thank you!
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Boniforti Flavio
> Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
> Ufficio Informatica
> Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore
> Via dell'Industria, 25
> 28924 Verbania
> -----------------------------------
> --
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