I'm using a rather strange config, borne out of neccessity rather than
choice at home. My internet 'router' is a Win2000 Pro box running
Winroute, and my three Linux boxen (running 7.2/8.0/9.0 RH) are networked
thru to the Win box using SNAT on the box I work on (don't ask why -
just pratical, and I can't afford a hub/switch to do this). In any case,
it's a bit of an experiment to go hand-in-hand with my studies.
Basically it looks like this ('scuse ascii-art)
/eth0 (213.x.x.x)
winbox1 -- eth1 (192.x.x.1) [SNAT for incoming]
/eth1 (192.x.x.10) [SNAT for incoming from eth0]
lin1 -- eth0 (192.x.x.20)
lin2 -- eth0 (192.x.x.21)
lin3 -- eth0 (192.x.x.22)
I decided to use the same subnet and simply SNAT the connections from lin2
and lin3 which works a treat, I can access (outgoing) anything I like from
all the lin boxes, having cleverly <g> set up the routing tables. I've
configured Samba to act as filesharing for all the boxes, being as how
memory is a constraint, and since I've got files spread across the hosts I
don't want to use NFS in combination with SMB as it adds overheads; I did
it in the past, using a central Samba server to share NFS mounted volumes,
and it creates an awful lot of network traffic in the NFS setup, not to
mention the security problems of opening up NFS ports.
I realise this is an arse-up approach to doing things, ideally I'd install
another linux box in front of the damn thing, but that's more of a
network/cost/logistics problem on a home network. I'm using Samba 2.2.x
and 3.x on the Linux boxes and Win2000, no WINS server, no DNS proxy etc.,
just plain old /etc/hosts, /etc/samba/lmhosts and equiv. on the Windows
box. I can see everything from the Windows box, and I can connect to
shares on any of the Linux boxes.... BUT: accessing individual files on
lin1 which is SNATting (mebbe a prob.) I can't read any files, I can see
them, but any attempt to copy/read them results in the Win box going
looking 'out to sea' ie using it's external connection to go fishing
the files. I can see this from a dump (a la tcpdump) - although the
Win2000 box knows where and what the files are, it just hangs sending out
packets on eth0 to the internet.
I've tried lots of tests, from lin3 to lin2 from lin2 to lin1 and from
lin1 to winbox1 everything works hunky-dory - except from winbox1 to lin1.
I hope this isn't a routing problem, because I spent ages setting it up -
I even tried downgrading from 3.x to 2.x on lin1, as all the other linux
hosts are running 2.x -- to no avail. I just don't understand that if the
Winbox can make a connection to the shared volumes on every other Linux
box and read/write files, why should it have a problem with lin1; apart
from the fact that it's SNATting... any ideas?
<- Ben Davis ->
T: 0044-161-285-1338
e: ben@ghost.merseine.nu / jamin@flashmail.com
@ Manchester, UK