On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 09:27:08PM +1300, John Huttley
> in 2.4.17-rc1 (smp system)
> at revoke.c (330)
Please supply the full oops trace. It really makes debugging so much
> I had created a 256mb ramdisk + journal.
> I mounted it as ext3.
> I had umounted and was running mkfs on /dev/ram0 again when this
> happened.
Was this the only ext3 filesystem in your box? If so, it sounds as if
you had not successfully unmounted it, because the error was coming
from inside ext3 and you'd never be able to hit that code if ext3 was
not mounted. Running mkfs on a live filesystem would be likely to
give you exactly this sort of assertion failure.