I have been reading everything I can to figure out how to get SAMBA to accept a filename with a ":" in the name. I am running Gallery on my FREEBSD mahine that using SAMBA to connect to the windows machine. Gallery generates filenames with a : in the name Example : 1023493:239434.0. When you try to create a file with a : you get the following error: $ touch 1:2 touch: 1:2: No such file or directory I am currently running Samba 2.2.8. I have tried both valid_chars and client_code_page in smb.conf and still no luck.
>I have been reading everything I can to figure out >how to get SAMBA to accept a filename with a ":" in >the name.Windows doesn't allow chars \/:*?<> and | in filename. So why should samba? Linux has no problem with ":" but you are trying to create filenames with prohibited chars on a WinDoze box. You are not using samba but probably smbmnt or smbclient so it just tells you that the host WinDoze won't accept it. ____________________________________________________________ Get advanced SPAM filtering on Webmail or POP Mail ... Get Lycos Mail! http://login.mail.lycos.com/r/referral?aid=27005