Yo All,
I am trying to install Samba 3 beta on my RH 8 machine.
At the installation of red hat I chosed not to install samba.
I downloaded beta rpm for Red Hat and when I try insatling it I get a msg.
like "flie blabla conflicting with file from
samba-2.2.7'' or something like that.
Now I try runing comand rpm -q samba end that tels me there is no rpm samba.
Not installed! Right?
Then I try this rpm -i --replacefiles samba-3.0.0beta1-1.i386.rpm
that seems to be working.
Now I look for smbpasswd in /etc/samba and I found it is not there and I
supose some other critical files are missing too or they are not where they
shoud be.
Next think I do is rpm -e samba-3.0.0beta1-1 and that works fine.
then I trye compiling the package my self by downloading tar ball and
running command tar -xvzf to unpack the tarrball.
Evrything gets unpacked.
then I run ./configure and then make, make install. Evrything is installed
but there is no swat file in my xinetd.d.
What do I do now? I am new at Linux and I am out of options. Please Help?
I wil be greatfull for the rest of my life.