similar to: Installing samba on Red Hat 8

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Installing samba on Red Hat 8"

2010 Aug 04
does R have a command the same with Stata's loop command: ` '
hey, Rers in Stata therer is a loop command ` ' which could do the following: forvalue i=1/10 { ?gen?x`i'=expression } this will generate variable: x1,x2,,,,,x10. so, does R have a corresponding one to this? And one more very basic question: after I open a file and modify it, such as generate some new variables and change some old ones, how to use the changed dataset in
2006 May 31
Sharing code between some controllers? Staying DRY
Hi, I have four controllers: one for the store front and three for the store admin. In each controller I have copied and pasted exactly the same code. It is a method called redirect_to() to override Action Controller''s redirect_to(). Copy and paste is bad. I can think of two options but I don''t know how Rails will feel about them. Option 1: Can I create an intermediate
2008 Jul 09
render file in index
Hi I am trying to render file in controller like this : def index render :flie => ''app\views\upload\uploadfile.html.erb'' end It still complains that template is missing. Template is missing Missing template upload/index.html.erb in view path /home/rails/ directory/app/views Do i have to use funtion render :template or how i can change that default index.html.erb
2012 May 30
Samba 4 analyse
Hi, My actual config Samba 3 PDC, file and print server use openldap backend Posix ACL on XFS FS using pam_ldap and ns_ldap. independant wins and DNS server (not DDNS) Can I have same configuration in samba 4 ? LIke : DC flie server with posix ACL support and pam, ns_ldap . independant wins and DNS server (not DDNS). It's just an analyse ! Have a nice day St?phane
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Warn overwrite output file
I have had this happen to me once: Encoding of a .wav file was interrupted somehow, so an incomplete .flac flie was generated. I accidentally ran a decode on that .flac file, which wiped out the original .wav file. I suggest that flac adopt one of the following to handle the situation that an output file is specified with -o or implied, and the output file already exists: 1. rename the
2003 Jun 23
can not find domain name
Ok ppl. How do I solve this problem? I am trying to ad a win2000 pro machine to samba server that is configured as an PDC. Now I go to my pc, network id. I fill in all the nesesery data in but I get msg. : "The Domain name "BLABLA" is either invalid or does not exist." I am new new in linux but I realy don't think this is samba configuration problem. I
2003 Oct 26
include & exclude dosn't work...
Hello rsync, I run Rsync as standalone server (--daemon). Here is my rsync.conf file use chroot = yes max connections = 10 #syslog facility = local5 log = /var/log/rsyncd.log [mp3files] path = /home/guitar comment = directory read only = yes list = no secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets auth users = gate1 # hosts allow = # hosts deny =
2005 Dec 05
PRI indications.
Hello, i have succesfullu setup asterisk with Sangoma E1 card, evrything works well but i don't know how to pass indications from telco switch to the user - when users call bad number telco switch shuld talk "unallocated number" but its only send PRI_CAUSE 1. How to pass voice indications thru asterisk to clients? My /etc/zaptel.conf: span=1,0,0,CCS,HDB3,CRC4 dchan=16
2020 Feb 29
idmap range and xidNumber
On 29/02/2020 16:30, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote: > > You are right, this is used on Unix domain member I know I am right, I put that in the wiki ;-) > > Well on DC I see files owned by unix user with UID=3000000 in > /var/lib/samba/sysvol/, and when I look on the same SYSVOL share from > windows world I see that the file is owned by BUILTIN\Administrator > user
2007 Aug 10
Hi, I am running squid as a TRANSEPARENT PROXY WITH SQUID 2.5 on CENTOS 4.5. Pls see below for squid.con file. http_port 3128 cache_mem 64 MB cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256 cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log # INSERT YOUR OWN RULE(S) HERE TO ALLOW ACCESS FROM YOUR CLIENTS # Example rule
2002 Jul 02
subscript out of bounds
Hello As I'm beginning to write functions, I decided to have my personnal R library named MyStuff located in /home/fred/R.Lib/MyStuff/ The library file itself is at /home/fred/R.Lib/MyStuff/R/MyStuff evrything seems ok since > library() gives : Packages in library `/usr/lib/R/library': KernSmooth Functions for kernel smoothing for Wand &
2010 Feb 24
ggsave in Linux
I have a script that creates a qplot that is then saved as a .png file which works fine on Windows. But I also work on Linux servers via Putty and would like to be able to create and save my plots to my working directory. Is there a way I can ggsave my qplot without utilizing X11 in Linux? I don't need to view the plot in Linux, I just want the plot created and immediately saved to my working
2004 Jan 09
brige conf
Hi i''m using a bridge for traffic control and now i have 300 user the problem is there is a large script for tc for incomming and outgoing traffic about 1300 lines. Evrithing is fine but it seams i lost 2ms on bridge . I ping from my machine (linux gateway) to the my internet gateway an ATI router, my conncetion is at 100Mbit from my machine to the ATI. Wen i''m not using bridge
2011 Jul 17
EUIII DW: Font glitches
Hi community, as the title says I got weird font glitches with a gold title. Aside from that the application runs well as far as I can use it. So I am going to describe the error the best i can, but you have to tell me which logs would maybe be helpful as I dont know anything about wine logging. When I start the game, everything works well - even the initial tips are absolutely Ok, but as the
2012 Mar 28
Wine refusing to create a configuration directory there
Hello, I am new on the forum, and apologize in advance if this question was answered somewhere else -I looked up, but couldn't find it. This is NOT an issue with running wine as root; I am NOT trying to do that. Just so everybody knows! I am using MacOS 10.7.3 on a late 2011 MacBook Pro, and Wine used to work on it up until last week (it had been ported from a preceding Snow Leopard
2008 Mar 04
soap4r in wrong format
Hi people, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with using soap4r. I''ve done the whole wsdl2ruby and basically evrything works fine, were it not that the servive I am talking to has a different standard concerning the XML I am sending. -- What soap4r does <xmlJob> <Job> <CBCustomApplyType>CANone</CBCustomApplyType>
1999 Mar 29
Samba within a network IP over ATM
Hello, I'm having problems using SAMBA servers within an IP over ATM network. I'm using experimental IP addresses (net, Linux servers with the 2.2.1 kernel version and RedHat 5.2, Win95 and WinNt 4.0 client machines. The problem is, through Ethernet everything works the way it should. Using ATM and keeping the Ethernet cables connected somehow the data flows through the ATM
2007 Jan 18
[Bug 1266] incompatibility between s/key and keys Autentification dtucker at changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|NEW |RESOLVED Resolution| |INVALID ------- Comment #7 from dtucker at 2007-01-19 09:49
2003 Nov 21
One way sound
Hi, I'm having trouble with asterisk: I can't hear both way of a call. here is my current architecture: grandstream -> siproxd -> asterisk -> pstn As I'm just testing for the moment, evrything is on my LAN. I know that there is no need to have a proxy here. But Later, the asterisk will be on a public IP outside of my LAn, so I'm practising... And there is no direct
2004 Oct 05
sipura 3000 , music on hold (playtones)
hi, I have some problem with musiconhold or playtones (background,...) in this context someone dial out thru sipura 3000: Executing Dial("Zap/1-1", "SIP/sipura3000/054419949|20|m") in new stack -- Called sipura3000/054419949 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/1-1 -- SIP/sipura3000-61fe is ringing -- SIP/sipura3000-61fe answered Zap/1-1