hello users! i'm trying to make squid work with junkbuster.. i have a debian linux gateway on wich i ve put squid, junkbuster, (and an iptables firewall) but the "big" problem is that i cant have junkbuster working .... ive configured this for junkbuster : allow (to enable my windows machine on to access junkbuster) listen address localhost 8089 i launch junkbuster (./junkbuster /etc/junkbuster/config -d 16) and i have no message. netstat -l tells that someone listen on locahost:8089 /var/log/junkbuster/log gives nothing and my IE on the windows cant connect when i give it the proxy on port 8089 what have i misconfigured .... thanks a lot! chris _____________________________________________________________________ Envie de discuter en "live" avec vos amis ? T?l?charger MSN Messenger http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/m la 1?re messagerie instantan?e de France