On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, CPDead wrote:
> I?m facing some troubles with file / directory permissions...
> I log on the domain as admin user(root), and theres a pub share, on witch
> everyone needs to have permission to create / modify files, but when I
> change or create a file, only root can change the file, no one else. And
> then i need to go to server to chgrp users * -R and chown nobody * -R to
> allow others users to change the file.
> can someone give-me a clue with this ?
1. Go to the top of the directory that is shared.
2. Set the ownership to what ever public owner and group you want.
find 'directory_name' -type d -exec chown user.group {}\;
find 'directory_name' -type d -exec chmod 6775 'directory_name'
find 'directory_name' -type f -exec chmod 0775 {} \;
find 'directory_name' -type f -exec chown user.group {}\;
Note: The above will set the 'sticky bit' on all directories. Read you
Unix/Linux man page on what that does. It causes the OS to assign to all
files created in the directories the ownership of the directory.
Directory is: /foodbar
chown jack.engr /foodbar
Note: This is the same as doing:
chown jack /foodbar
chgrp engr /foodbar
Now do:
chmod 6775 /foodbar
ls -al /foodbar/..
You should see:
drwsrwsr-x 2 jack engr 48 2003-02-04 09:55 foodbar
su - jill
cd /foodbar
touch Afile
ls -al
You should see that the file 'Afile' created by Jill will have ownership
and permissions of Jack, as follws:
-rw-r--r-- 1 jack engr 0 2003-02-04 09:57 Afile
4. Now in your smb.conf for the share add:
force create mode = 0775
force direcrtory mode = 6775
Note: The above are only needed IF your users are NOT members of the group
you have used. ie: Within the OS do not have write permission on the
An alternative is to set on the smb.conf entry for the share:
force user = jack
force group = engr
I hope this helps.
- John T.
John H Terpstra
Email: jht@samba.org