Are you sure your browser did not already gunzip it for you? Some do
that. You might want to check if samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz is
a valid package file... Get rid of the .gz and take it from there...
~ Daniel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Campbell
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:36 AM
> Subject: [Samba] Can't unzip package
> I just upgraded to Solaris 8, and downloaded the the following binary
> package from <> :
> samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz
> When trying to gunzip it, here is my output:
> /home/ccampbell # gunzip samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz
> gunzip: samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz: not in gzip format
> /home/ccampbell # file samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz
> samba-2.2.7-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz: English text
> Yes...I did FTP in binary mode. I'm used to Solaris 2.6 and
> tar.Z files,
> not pkg.gz files.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> TIA,
> Christian
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