Paul Kraus
2003-Jan-15 13:34 UTC
[Samba] Samba Linux File Server, Windows XP Pro workstations, Adobe Indesign
I just replaced one of our windows file servers with a redhat 7.3 samba server. I have the g (/home/advserver/g) share on the redhat box mapped to g (go figure) on to xp pro workstations. The map drive is being created on startup with this command. (both workstations use same login information to the share) net use g: //server/g /USER:advserver /PERSISTENT:YES advserver (this is on the xp pro workstations) The server is used primarily for adobe indesign. If indesign crashes that workstation can no longer open any indesign files. It gets permission errors. However it can open any other file type on the file server. I can reboot a billion times and I will continue to get the same error. "You do not have correct permissions to open this or this file is already open" * Note that this will appear for any indesign file not just the one that was open when the crash occurred) To rectify I can change the net use command to this.... net use g: //server/g /USER:root /PERSISTENT:YES password (no my root password is not password) Open up an indesign file no problem. disconnect the drive and reconnect with the original net use command and everything works like a champ until the next crash. in my attempts to troubleshoot I have set all files under g to advserver:advserver with 777 permissions. In case it helps there where no issues with the original file server. I want to think its an indesign issues since its only .indd files that have the problem. However my workaround of logging into the share under root, logging out, logging back in under advserver again makes me think that is a problem with smb.conf. Any and all input is always appreciated. relevant smb.conf ----------------- [global] workgroup = PELNET netbios name = ADVSERVER server string = PEL File and Backup Server security = SHARE log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 preferred master = No local master = No domain master = No dns proxy = No [g] comment = Advertising File Server path = /home/advserver/g valid users = advserver,root,@adv admin users = advserver,root,@adv read only = No create mask = 0777 guest ok = Yes Paul Kraus Network Administrator PEL Supply Company 216.267.5775 Voice 216-267-6176 Fax