Hi. I joined the mailing list just to say how pleased I am with the speed of Samba. I've been browsing around the threads and learning lots of new stuff, too. Win95 was my file server (on Athlon XP 1700+, 512MB RAM, 80GB 7200RPM, 100MBPS network). I have about 16GB of MP3 files (nope, I don't download music!) and when I tell Winamp to load on a client, it takes about 80 seconds to load all the songnames (I have the "load extended info on load" turned on). When I first setup Samba, I thought it was slower than my Win95 server in general usage. I clocked a 512MB file, and Samba was the same speed as Win95. No surprise there. When I tried Winamp, though, the client took less than one second to load the songnames. Even when I open Winamp, wait 80 seconds for it to load the songnames, and close and then immediately re-open it, the Win95 server takes around 8 seconds.