Well I'm having some trouble with samba, I had those troubles on a box for quite some time and not long ago I moved all the stuff to a new box to see if it'll work better but it doesn't. I'm monitoring one person in particular because she's the one who do most of the editing stuff in there. What happens is when she opens a document (.doc or .xls most of the time), when she tries to save it, Word or Excel freezes for a while and then it says it can't save the file and it saves it under a temporary name and locks the file so she can't rename or delete of do anything with the file. Here are some pieces of the log file, anybody care to explain to me what it means and how I can correct that situation. [2002/10/09 10:28:37, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(796) oplock_break: receive_smb timed out after 30 seconds. oplock_break failed for file somefile.doc (dev = 303, inode = 2129995, file_id = 3). [2002/10/09 10:28:37, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(868) oplock_break: client failure in oplock break in file somefile.doc [2002/10/09 10:28:47, 0] smbd/reply.c:reply_lockingX(4490) reply_lockingX: Error : oplock break from client for fnum = 12267 and no oplock granted on this file (somefile.doc). I'm running Samba 2.5 on an ext3 filesystem, my config file is pretty simple (just what it needs to run). All the file locking/oplock stuff is set to default and I currently have the log level at 1, I can increase it if you need more information to help me out. Thanks Jean-Rene Cormier