I have two boxes running FreeBSD 4.4 and 4.7RC both with Samba. When I boot, and start smbd and nmbd, I can see both FBSD Boxes, and the 2 Win 98 machines on my network. When I try to mount one of the Win boxes on a FBSD machine, the other machines diappear. What happened? ------------ smb.conf [global] workgroup = HOME server string = Warroior interfaces = dc0 encrypt passwords = Yes hosts allow = 192.168 [Home] comment = Home path = /home/bob guest ok = Yes [lp] comment = Printer path = /tmp guest ok = Yes printable = Yes [homes] valid users = %S read only = No browseable = No -- Bob Bomar bob@bomar.us http://www.bomar.us/ ----------------------------- FreeBSD: The Power to Serve http://www.freebsd.org