Hi everyone, I've had automatic printer driver installation running fairly nicely for a while now, but getting the drivers for your newest printer to automatically install completely is a pain in the neck. Basically, everything works except for adding a new section to win.ini, and a registry entry for the printer. All the driver files get copied over, and the printer appears as one would expect. However, the QMS (magicolor 300) driver customizes the 'Setup' button on the details page, by just adding a section to win.ini, and a registry key Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\control\Print\QMS\QMS magicolor 330 Entry: DevFileName String: %11%\QMSMC330.PPD (%11% is replaced with C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) [QMS magicolor 330] DevFileName=%11%\QMSMC330.PPD The qms provided .inf file has additional sections for ini file updates and registry updates, but I don't see how to fold these into the 'printers.def' scheme, where the qms inf file isn't even required. A couple of questions: 1. Has anyone done 'automatic printer driver sharing' where the printer driver in question needed a win.ini / registry setting? 2. Does anyone know if it's even possible with the printer auto-install mechanism? 3. Anyone have any pointers / documentation on the printer auto-install mechanism (over and above those in the samba tarball) None of this is a major showstopper here - just extra steps and support calls to walk people through the new printer install. I can send the qms.inf file to anyone that's interested. Best Regards, Mark +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Mark Cooke The views expressed above are mine and are not Systems Programmer necessarily representative of university policy University Of Birmingham URL: http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/~mpc/ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+