When the world was young, "Norm Long" <nlong@worldvision.org>
carved some runes like this:
> Greetings, was wondering how to handle problems regarding viewing files on
> our hp server through notepad. When we view files via note pad we all see
> the carriage return(unix) making the file a little difficult to read. If
> samba had a some kind of file conversion utility that would be great.
> Please advise.
My advice would be to not use Notepad (it's a worthless piece of
c**p IMHO). Text file conversion on the unix side can be handled
in a number of different ways (AWK, sed, printer escape codes, etc).
The easiest way on the windoze side is to let your editor handle
it. A great freeware editor for win32 is PFE:
One of the first things I do when I set up a new windoze box is put
PFE on it (it doesn't even need a setup program, just copy it to a
local directory).
There are also versions of gvim and emacs for win9x/NT. All the
commercial editors I know of handle it transparently as well (eg,
Brief, SlickEdit, etc).
Stephen L Arnold http://www.rain.org/~sarnold
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