I had similar problems with Samba and speed. To begin with, I thought
it was a Samba problem, and spent a lot of time stuffing around with
smb.conf Then, just to make certain it was Samba and not a generic
TCP/IP problem, I tried ftp'ng a big file to and from the Samba server
from W95. Speed was only 20 k/sec - about 2% of the expected speed of
a 10-Base-T network.
Same for FTP'ng from W95 to out mac fileserver.
After a little more investigation, I dug out the DOS setup software for
the ethernet cards (generic NE2000 compatabile) and changed the
transmision setting to from "Full Duplex" to "Simplex" (also
known as
"Half Duplex"). I changed this on W95 and the Samba box.
Rebooted both boxes, and viola! File transfer sped up to 800 k/sec.
Of even more interest, our Mac fileserver on the same net stopped its
intermittent crashing as well.
In my smb.conf I only have one setting to increase speed - I can't
remember exactly what it is, but it is something like "TCP No Delay".
No other optimisations were made.
This whole simplex/duplex thing with cheap ethernet cards seems to be a
common problem. It may be worth your while to invest in a top quality
ethernet card, such as the Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100
You might like to check out
Anyhow, let me know how you get on.