Hi I tried to change the settings so that I get the list not as a digest, but nothing works. I subscribed as fgp@fgp.atnet.at , but now my e-mail address is fgp@fgp.priv.at I tried "set samba mail ack" and "set samba mail ack fgp@fgp.atnet.at" I even tried unsubscribing with "unsubscribe samba fgp@fgp.atnet.at" but it din?t work.. This problem could be, that I use uucp to copy my e-mail to my provider, so my smtp-from line is somwhat messed up (something like fgp@fgp.priv.at!mail.atnet.at, or even worse). Please either unsubscribe me, so that I can resubscribe, or just change the settings, so that I don?t get the list as a digest. Thank you very much mfg, fgp