On 12/12/2011 02:48 PM, jalfaro wrote:> Hi all.
> I am having a problem using color2D.matplot
> I am trying to visualize several different matrices under two color ranges.
> One color range corresponds to values less than 1 and the second color
> for values greater than 1. However, the minimum value of each matrix
> and is automatically set to have the smallest value in the color range.
> Similarly, the maximum value of each matrix differs leading to non-uniform
> color scales.
> Below is the function that is causing me trouble. It is designed to take as
> input 2 csv files with row and column headers describing a 20X20 matrix.
> The goal would be to modify the code below as follows.
> (1) if an entry is in range [0,1] the color scale should always be uniform
> with the minimum color being 0.5 and the maximum color being 1.
> (2) if an entry is in the range [1,infinity] the color scale should have
> minimum color value 1 and maximum color value 3. (I used infinity simply
> because there is no way of knowing how high the value will be beforehand).
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jav
> library(plotrix)
> make_S_figure<-function(filename,alias){
> h0<- read.csv(file=filename,head=TRUE,sep=",",row.names=1)
> d =data.matrix(h0)
> m<- 1:20
> cellcolors<-matrix(NA,nrow=20,ncol=20)
> cellcolors2<--matrix(NA,nrow=20,ncol=20)
> for(i in 1:length(m)){
> cellcolors[d>=
> xlab="",ylab="")
> axis(1,at=0.5:19.5,labels=colnames(d))
> axis(2,at=0.5:19.5,labels=rev(rownames(d)))
> }
Hi jalfaro,
I'm not sure what you mean by a "uniform color range", so I'll
provide a
couple of solutions. For your values between zero and one, the code
above should go from blue (0) to white (1). If the "minimum color"
that anything from 0 to 0.5 should be blue and anything from 0.5 to 1
should grade from blue to white, specify your colors like this:
# you don't need a loop for this
The above will give you blue from 0 to 0.5, then scale to white at 1.
What I think you want for the values of 1 and above is to scale from
white to red between 1 and 3, then have red for all values above 3. So:
# you don't need a loop for this either
cellcolors[d >= 1 & d < 3]<-
color.scale(d[d >= 1 & d < 3],cs1=1,cs2=c(1,0),cs3=c(1,0))
# no point in calling color.scale
cellcolors[d >= 3]<-"red"
Now, rereading your message, I think that you want to anchor the
extremes of the scales regardless of the values in the matrix. If so,
try this:
# add the extreme values, then drop the resulting extreme colors
# in the assignment to the color matrix
# same trick here, add the extremes, then drop them
cellcolors[d >= 1 & d < 3]<-
color.scale(c(1,3,d[d >= 1 & d < 3]),
# and fill in everything greater than 3
cellcolors[d >= 3]<-"red"
Let me know if you have any problems.