Hi Antonio,
how about this:
txt2 <- "useRs may fly into JFK or laGuardia"
chartr("a-zA-Z", "A-Za-z", txt2)
Am 05.12.2011 08:11, schrieb Tonio:> Hello R-help list,
> I am looking for way to toggle the case of the characters like a flip-flop;
that is from ''Hello'' to "hELLO" or vice versa.
> I know that there are a number of functions like casefold, tolower,
toupper, etc. but these functions change the case in an uniform way.
> Thanks in advance,
> Antonio Rivero Ostoic
> Antonio Rivero Ostoic
> PhD Student, Department of Leadership and Strategy
> From 1 Jul until 31 Dec 2011
> Tel. +61 3 8344 4300
> Fax +61 3 9347 6618
> Email jaro at sdu.dk
> Addr. The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Sdr. Stationsvej 28 ? DK-4200 Slagelse ? Denmark ? Tel. +45 6550 1000 ?
> www.sdu.dk
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