How can i replicate this in Linux: source(file.choose()) I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
Have not found a way to do this either, or in any case it has been buggy. It would depend on the file manager you have installed. But, you're using Linux! The path and working directory are supposed to be half the fun. Maybe create an R folder in /home to keep your files and adjust your R terminal settings so that organization and dir() will get you what you want. Hope that helps, Ken Hutchison On Nov 28, 2554 BE, at 6:07 AM, Ana <rrasterr at> wrote:> How can i replicate this in Linux: > source(file.choose()) > > > I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
On Mon, 28-Nov-2011 at 12:07PM +0100, Ana wrote: |> How can i replicate this in Linux: |> source(file.choose()) |> As the Mac people used to say ungrammatically: Think Different. There are many ways of using Linux that can't be done in Windows and we know nothing of your setup, so it's not obvious what's most appropriate for you. Maybe something like the following: Start R from the directory you wish to use, preferably using ESS which will give you a separate Emacs window where you run your R commands. Otherwise open a second tab in your terminal window (which will automatically be the same directory). A Terminal window will thus be available where you can list your files, say with ls or ll. Paste the file name (using only the mouse) into your R command window. Takes lots of words to describe, but very easy to do. There are many variations on that idea. HTH -- ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. ___ Patrick Connolly {~._.~} Great minds discuss ideas _( Y )_ Average minds discuss events (:_~*~_:) Small minds discuss people (_)-(_) ..... Eleanor Roosevelt ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.
Le lundi 28 novembre 2011 ? 12:07 +0100, Ana a ?crit :> How can i replicate this in Linux: > source(file.choose()) > > > I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luckTry this instead (it works here): source(tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile())) Cheers
Ana wrote: > How can i replicate this in Linux: > source(file.choose()) > Hi Ana, There is probably some way to do this with a shell script, but I am unaware of it. If you have the marvelous Tcl-Tk scripting language on your Linux box, you could write something like this: #!/usr/bin/wish # sourceRfile a script to run an R command file # SelectFile - A module for selecting a filename from a directory # call "SelectFile mask" where 'mask' contains a mask or filename # default mask = * proc GetFileList filemask { set filelist [ glob -nocomplain $filemask ] return $filelist } proc StringElement cmplist { if { [ llength $cmplist ] > 1 } { set cmpstring [ lindex $cmplist 0 ] set cmpchar [ lindex $cmplist 1 ] set stringlength [ string length $cmpstring ] set charlength [ string length $cmpchar ] set stringindex 0 while { $stringindex < $stringlength } { set charindex 0 while { $charindex < $charlength } { if { [ string index $cmpstring $stringindex ] ==\ [ string index $cmpchar $charindex ] } { return 1 } incr charindex } incr stringindex } } return 0 } proc SelectFile mask { global filename global done global rindex if { [ string length $mask ] == 0 } { set mask "*" } set path [ pwd ] set done 0 set filename "" set rindex 0 while { !$done } { frame .sff -bd 3 -relief raised label .sff.path -text $path entry label .sff.filelabel -text "Directories" frame .sff.fileframe label .sff.dirlabel -text "Files" frame .sff.dirframe frame .sff.buttonframe listbox .sff.fileframe.flist -selectmode single \ -yscroll ".sff.fileframe.yscroll set" scrollbar .sff.fileframe.yscroll -relief sunken \ -command ".sff.fileframe.flist yview" listbox .sff.dirframe.dlist -selectmode single \ -yscroll ".sff.dirframe.yscroll set" scrollbar .sff.dirframe.yscroll -relief sunken \ -command ".sff.dirframe.dlist yview" set filelist [ GetFileList $mask ] lsort filelist set fileindex 0 foreach filein $filelist { if { [ file isfile $filein ] } { .sff.fileframe.flist insert $fileindex $filein incr fileindex } } set dirlist [ GetFileList "*" ] lsort dirlist set dlist [ list ] set dirindex 0 if { $path != "/" } { .sff.dirframe.dlist insert $dirindex ".." incr dirindex } foreach dirin $dirlist { if { [ file isdirectory $dirin ] } { .sff.dirframe.dlist insert $dirindex $dirin incr dirindex } } bind .sff.fileframe.flist <ButtonRelease-1> { delete 0 end insert 0 [ .sff.fileframe.flist get\ [ .sff.fileframe.flist curselection ] ] } button .sff.buttonframe.ok -text OK -command { if { [ llength [ .sff.dirframe.dlist curselection ] ] } { set filename [ .sff.dirframe.dlist get [ .sff.dirframe.dlist curselection ] ] } else { if { [ llength [ .sff.fileframe.flist curselection ] ] } { set filename [ .sff.fileframe.flist get [ .sff.fileframe.flist curselection ] ] } else { if { [ llength [ get ] ] } { set filename [ get ] } } } destroy .sff } button .sff.buttonframe.cancel -text Cancel -command { set rindex -1 set done 1 set filename "" destroy .sff } bind <Return> { set filename [ get ] destroy .sff } place .sff -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -anchor center -width 400\ -height 300 place .sff.path -relx 0.5 -rely 0.02 -anchor n place -relx 0.5 -rely 0.12 -anchor n place .sff.filelabel -relx 0.05 -rely 0.22 place .sff.dirlabel -relx 0.55 -rely 0.22 place .sff.dirframe -relx 0.05 -rely 0.3 -relwidth 0.43\ -relheight 0.5 place .sff.fileframe -relx 0.55 -rely 0.3 -relwidth 0.43\ -relheight 0.5 place .sff.fileframe.flist -relx 0 -relwidth 0.85 -relheight 1 place .sff.fileframe.yscroll -relx 0.9 -rely 0.5\ -anchor center -relheight 1 place .sff.dirframe.dlist -relx 0 -relwidth 0.85 -relheight 1 place .sff.dirframe.yscroll -relx 0.9 -rely 0.5\ -anchor center -relheight 1 place .sff.buttonframe -relx 0.5 -rely 0.9 -anchor center pack .sff.buttonframe.ok -side left pack .sff.buttonframe.cancel -side right insert 0 $mask focus tkwait window .sff if { [ file isdirectory $filename ] } { cd $filename set path [ pwd ] } elseif { [ StringElement [ list $filename "*?\[\]" ] ] } { set mask $filename } else { set done 1 } } return $filename } wm geometry . 400x400 set Rfile [ SelectFile "*.R" ] exec R CMD BATCH $Rfile exit Then simply create the following file named "helloR.R" in the same directory: sink("helloR.out") cat("Hello, R\n") sink() chmod +x ./ Select the file "helloR.R" from the resulting menu, and that file will be "sourced" by R. However, this is a bloody roundabout way to source a file in R. Jim
> How can i replicate this in Linux: > source(file.choose()) > > > I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no lucklibrary(gWidgetsRGtk2) options(guiToolkit="RGtk2") gfile(cont=T) Yvonnick Noel University of Brittany at Rennes Rennes, France