yu.zhuogu wrote:> This is my problem and screen shot [Arrow]
> And this is a post of someone who has installed Office 2010 successfully
> Can your help me? I really need Microsoft Office!
First, don't post in giant letters. It will not make people more inclined to
help you; if anything, it will do the opposite.
Second, the link to your screenshot gets me to a page with the message
> Oops... there's nothing to see here. Either you do not have access to
these photos, or they don't exist at this web address. Please contact the
owner directly to gain access.
so I have no idea what your problem is.
Third, outside howtos are not supported here. The only howtos supported here
are the ones in the AppDB.
Fourth, while Office 2010 will install, it is not very usable. The AppDB lists
all the known issues. It also states clearly that installing Office 2010 should
be done for testing only.
If you actually need to use Office, install Office 2007, which generally works