2011-Aug-10 15:15 UTC
[Wine] Listbox Question - Danish accounting program SummaSummarum
Dear Wine board. This is my first Post. This wine bug has been bothering me for two years now so now i think it is time to try and have it fixed. The first step is to figure out how to phrase my bug with the correct terms. As I don't know the names of the widgets since I haven't developed windows-application for some 10 years, I hope that someone will look at my screencast which i recorded in flv-format with byzanz screencast. It should only take around 10 seconds of watching for You to see the bug. The problem is that my application, Summasummarum, which is a danish double entry bookkeeping application, a very popular one, automatically clicks on entries on mouseover in, among other places, the chart of accounts. Can anyone try and help me describe this problem, - or maybe someone knows the problem and can point me in the right direction of some fix. Perhaps if there is no fix, some bounty-hunter might want to take a look at it for some price. Here is the video illustratiang automatically clicking-behaviour when no mouse clicking is done, - but only mouseover: Thanks in advance. Best regards J?rgen Olsen Denmark
2011-Aug-11 03:30 UTC
[Wine] Re: Listbox Question - Danish accounting program SummaSummarum
Hi, seems it worked well with (a very) old wine version, see Did you test with different window managers like KDE, Gnome, XFCE? Are you using multiple displays, extra input devices, etc? Just to make sure, it's not a configuration issue. You could try older wine versions, the simplest way would be to move/backup .wine folder, install older wine package, .wine folder will be created again with first wine start, install software again. You maybe could find out, in which wine version things broke. Then you probably should file a bug and provide a link to a free download version of that software.