2011-May-19 17:24 UTC
[Wine] Possible test-cases with code and backtrace capabiliets
I assume everybody knows about Embarcadero ( a.k.a Borland ) and their product: Delphu and C++ Builder. I think that WineHQ could be tested just fine using Delphi Handbooks provided source code + shipped Demos with each RAD Studio release. Why? - I suppose you exceatly can trace what function in what circumstances fails and simply add the function with needed changes to corresponding Header file. I would recommend to use code snipps in: - Mastering Delphi 7.pdf ; - Delphi 2010 Handbook by Marco Cantu and the Code examples, downloadable @ Embarcaderos EDN article. As I am now thinking about possible project using Delphi XE and IntraWeb 11, it would be good testing platform for WInes web capabilities ..
2011-May-19 18:08 UTC
[Wine] Re: Possible test-cases with code and backtrace capabiliets
One related question: What problems may occur for project aimed to provide automated testing tool for particular Delphi / Lazarus projects based on this Application functionality: 1. Browse the Delphi / Lazarus project; 2. Compile it; 3. Run GUI / CLI tests and log all errors found during run-time; 4. Generate file containing full winedbg-like syntax for error / warning / fixme lines. I think it would save a lot of time doing monkey-job ...