I am trying to run a serial port communication app under wine. On the mac side I
run USB->Serial device (KeySpan).
Using and app like TeraTerm, I'm able to see the com port and send and
receive data. However, I can't go beyond 38400 baud. Any attempt to go
beyond that places the baud rate to 9600 regardless of what is selected.
Any suggestions? Someone of the codeweaver's forum said the following on
this issue:
> "Under windows the baud rate etc is set by creating a device control
block (DCB) , and using buildDCB(string,DCB) to set values in the DCB.
> The value in the dcb at this point for baud rate is 57600;
> This is followed by SetCommState(handle,DCB). There is no error return,
but it appears that this function is not working, because if it is followed by
the function GetCommState(handle,DCB), the DCB reports the baud rate as 9600.
> ...
> The conclusion I have come to is that there may be a bug in the code that
implements SetCommState, or that the SetCommState implementation requires
something to be set.
> An alternative solution is to determine if there is a default serial
configuration file set up on the MAC which needs to be changed or overridden,
however I cannot find one. "
Any help would be appreciated.