>Message: 1
>Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:06:45 -0800 (PST)
>From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@yahoo.com>
>Subject: Shell script for launching wineapps from a unix file manager
>To: Wine Users <wine-users@winehq.com>
>Did a little research and found this little trick that
>works well.
>First create this batch file and modify to your
>FNAME=`wine -- winepath -l "$1"`
>wine -- "/wine/c/Program Files/Microsoft
>Office/Office/WINWORD.exe" "$FNAME"
>chmod a+x winword and put it some where in the path
>then associate any .doc to be opened with 'winword'
>and it works great. I have also used this method with
>excel and quicktime files.
>How it works:
>Line 1:
>FNAME=`wine -- winepath -l "$1"
>What it does
>takes a unix path like /home/uid/Docuements/file.doc
>and set the variable FNAME to f:\Documents\file.doc
>Line 2:
>wine -- "/wine/c/Program Files/Microsoft
>Office/Office/WINWORD.exe" "$FNAME"
>Loads winword via wine with the wine relative path to
>the file.
>winword /home/uid/Documents/file.doc
>wine -- /wine/c/Program Files/Microsoft
>Office/Office/WINWORD.exe F:\Documents\file.doc
>Which is what word needs to load the selected file.
>Hope you find this useful.
if you would package the scripts in tar.gz ( and perhaps add an install.sh
it would be nice to have them on our new wine apps site
it might make the newby live a lot easier.
website maintainer response please...
Mark Hannessen