Dr. David P.S. Fong
2001-Dec-08 06:30 UTC
Timer problem, Wenlin2 and Wine (was Re: mouse problem with 'standard' Windows program)
Dear all, I have informed WenLin2's (a Chinese language training and character recognition program) author of the mouse button detection problem and he will endeavour to try to change WenLin2 to be more compatible with WINE. I am afraid I have found another problem running WenLin2 with WINE. The cursor ('insertion point' or 'i.p.') disappears pressing the left arrow key, the up key or the down key (but reappears when pressing the right arrow key). In editing mode, characters (English or Chinese) do not appear on-screen until the right arrow key is pressed. In the opinion of WenLin2's author... "That suggests that the timer isn't working. When you move the i.p., it gets erased. It gets re-drawn in the new location by a routine that's called in response to a timer, about five times per second. The timer is created by the usual Windows function SetTimer(). ... Do you mean when you're typing? That again suggests the timer isn't working. Since the screen display might not be able to keep up with fast typing, rather than updating the screen after every character, a flag is set to indicate that the window needs to be refreshed, which should happen in response to the timer. The space bar is an exception; it causes immediate display." I hope this information helps WINE to become more compatible with 'unorthodox' Windows programs... Cheerio, David. vkelim@bigpond.com vkelim@my-deja.com