I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, a mirror, I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to transfer to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, with a PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to recreate that RAID. Anyone done this? mark
On Nov 29, 2011 1:36 PM, <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:> > I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, a mirror, > I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to transfer > to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, with a > PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up > MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to recreate > that RAID. Anyone done this? > > mark > > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at centos.org > http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centosCorrect me if I'm wrong, but isn't MSM for LSI/3ware cards? If the drives didn't come off a PERC, you probably can't recreate the array on a PERC - I'm sure you know this, but it's worth verification.
On Nov 29, 2011, at 1:35 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:> I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, a mirror, > I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to transfer > to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, with a > PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up > MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to recreate > that RAID. Anyone done this?---- I wouldn't waste the time with MSM - I would simply use the BIOS configuration for the RAID storage which can easily look at the drives for RAID configuration and load it if it can find it. That said, I would suspect that the RAID controllers would have to be identical Craig
on 11/29/2011 12:35 PM m.roth at 5-cent.us spake the following:> I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, a mirror, > I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to transfer > to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, with a > PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up > MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to recreate > that RAID. Anyone done this? > > markIf they were mirrored, you should just be able to mount one and see what you can find. If they were striped, then you would need a controller
> -----Original Message----- > From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On > Behalf Of m.roth at 5-cent.us > Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 15:36 > To: CentOS mailing list > Subject: [CentOS] megaraid/PERC > > I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, amirror,> I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to > transfer > to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, > with a > PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up > MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to > recreate > that RAID. Anyone done this? >Recent experience indicates... if the machine had any kind of warranty with Dell, an authorized owner/technician should call Dell before doing ANYTHING more with the drives. <use this info at your own risk> With the dell system I was working with, I was walked through booting into the raid controller software (bios level prior to OS boot) and having THAT reassemble the array. </use this info at your own risk>
--On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 3:35 PM -0500 m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:> Dell serverDell has a fairly active Linux server mailing list. You might want to copy your question there: <https://lists.us.dell.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-poweredge>
On Nov 29, 2011, at 3:35 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:> I've got two drives from a now-dead server, they were RAIDed, a mirror, > I'd assume. I need to see if there's anything on them I need to transfer > to the replacement, so I just shoved them into another Dell server, with a > PERC 5 controller - I think that's what the dead one had. I fired up > MegaRAID storage manager... but can't see any way to tell it to recreate > that RAID. Anyone done this?Probably old news now, but in the PERC card's BIOS you want to import foreign config, save it and restart. -Ross
On Wednesday, November 30, 2011 06:40:44 PM Ross Walker wrote:> I have heard of people setting their PERCs in pass-through mode and doing software RAID, or setting the drives up as a bunch of single disk RAID0 drives and doing software RAID, so I wouldn't rule it out.FWIW, I've done this in testing, and for a two-socket dual-core Dell PE 2850 we have here, the Linux software RAID was substantially faster than the PERC (U320 SCSI) built-in RAID. Speed was checked with bonnie++ while the box was normally loaded. In both cases, CentOS 5 was the OS installed. YMMV.
On Thursday, December 01, 2011 10:08:27 AM Craig White wrote:> I think the actual controller might make a difference and also details such as whether/how much write back cache was available and also, which RAID level would likely be significant too. Almost guessing that you were talking about a PERC 3/Di.Hmmm, no, I think it's a PERC 4 of some series. I don't recall if it's a 4e or a 4Di. It's built in to the PCI-X riser and it's dual channel, though. Probably an e. 256MB of cache if I remember correctly; using the service tag # and checking Dell's original system config tool tells me that's correct (the config tool just says a RAID key installed, and documentation for a PERC 4e/Di/Si; I don't recall if the e was the on-riser or if the i was right off hand, and the config tool doesn't tell me either). Six drives: two 72GB 15k in RAID 1, four 146GB 15k in RAID5. MDRAID beat the PERC4 on both logical drives, set up as identically as possible.