On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 01:08:17PM +0200, maks attems
wrote:> the online lintian reports shows following warnings:
> W: logcheck-database: missing-debconf-dependency-for-preinst
> W: logcheck: missing-debconf-dependency
> -> "Packages using debconf in their preinst script must either
> on debconf (>= 0.2.17), with appropriate discussion on debian-devel, or
> else depend on debconf and fall back to a different configuration
> decisions?
I added a debconf dep for logcheck, but I guess we should try to get the
debconf stuff out of logcheck-database.preinst if possible. Perhaps it
is portable to postinst? Anyway, this is important but not so as our other
issues. Maybe file a bug? (Same goes for other problems)
> running lintian on current 1.2.21 shows a big output,
> because of my permission changes in Makefile for /etc/logcheck
> W: logcheck-database: non-standard-file-perm
etc/logcheck/ignore.d.paranoid/squid 0640 != 0644
> N: The file has a mode different from 0644. In some cases this is
> N: intentional, but in other cases this is a bug. If it's
> N: please send a note to lintian-maint at debian.org so that this
> N: would be recognized in future versions of Lintian.
> well i prefer strict rules regarding world,
> but if it's against debian's standards?
> or shall we mail to lintian-maint,
> that we prefer stricter rules for logcheck rulefiles?
I'm thinking that requesting exception to this is the right course. I
noticed the ppp package currently has this warning as well, but for a better
reason (pap-secrets).
After reading policy s10.9, it seems like it should be a topic for
discussion, or at least mentioning perhaps on debian-security.
> E: logcheck: package-has-a-duplicate-relation depends: logtail (= 1.2.21),
> pre-depends: logtail (>=
> N:
> N: The package seems to declare a relation on another package which is
> N: already implied by other relations it declares, and is therefore
> N: redundant. This is not only sloppy but can break some tools.
> N:
Any idea why we need to pre-depend on logtail?
[ Todd J. Troxell ,''`.
Student, Debian GNU/Linux Developer, SysAdmin, Geek : :' :
http://debian.org || http://rapidpacket.com/~xtat `. `'
`- ]
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