> Hi fellows,
> are there any policy on character-encoding in this project?
> The upscode2 driver did originally contain some nordic letters encoded in
> latin-1 (?, ?), but these have now transformed into garbage.
> I would like to restore these, but in what encoding? UTF-8?
Refrain from using those. Drivers usually require very little (if any)
user interaction, so any effort to making this portable (you'll need to
look at the local environment to determine if and how you can display
these character) is largely wasted. Where localization is needed, is in
the clients (for instance, KNutClient).
Regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B 7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57