scott at
2011-Apr-25 20:10 UTC
[asterisk-users] Registration problems - Vitelity
Hi All- ? I have successfully routed calls into our asterisk system from several DID providers in the USA, but for some reason I'm having a problem getting Vitelity to work. ? We are using the IAX protocol, and the symptom is that only about 50% of the calls terminate properly into my asterisk system - the rest get a busy signal.? The ones that do not come in don't show up at all on the asterisk console, even with IAX2 debug enabled.? I know that the uncompleted calls are getting into the Vitelity server because I get an "uncompleted call" email every time one fails. ? It seems to be acting like the registration is falling off somehow.? I have confirmed that I am registering successfully with the Vitelity server every 50 seconds, ie the Vitelity server is acknowledging every registration. So far, after a couple weeks of calls back and forth with Vitelity customer service, no progress has been made, however the Vitelity tech reps did make some vague references to other IAX users occasionally having registration issues. ? Anyone else having similar issues? ? Thanks