Hello there,
Does anybody has already get asterisk to work with R2 E1s ? If so, what
version combination have you used, between asterisk, libmfcr2 and
unicall ?
I've already compiled asterisk 1.0.9 patched against some unicall
versions (0.0.3pre4 and 0.0.2[a,b,c]), after some code adaptations, but
it stops right after an ioctl. Unicall verion 0.0.3pre4 doesn't even
have the Makefile patch, which I had to modify by hand.
Before giving the details, I would like to hear from you whom have got
this to work and, specially, the versions of the libraries and asterisk
used. Accordingly with zttool, the T405P card is recognizing the E1
connection and working properly, the issue is with asterisk.
Thanks in advance.
Arnaldo M. Pereira
egghunt at gmail dot com