At 5:51 PM -0600 1/30/04, Rob Fugina wrote:>
>I've been looking at the weather vocabulary in asterisk-sounds in CVS.
>I've run into a few hitches with words I can't seem to find. So
far, I'm
>looking for 'point' (for constructing floating point numbers) and
>as in "high around 70" (don't I wish). Any chance of getting
>While I'm on the subject, I'd be very interested in a vocabulary for
>automation stuff. This would include typical room names, "on" and
>"heat" and "cool" (may be in with the weather stuff --
haven't looked),
>"light(s)", etc... Any chance of getting these?
>Don't bother referring me to I'll consider
>after the free options are exhausted...
>Rob Fugina, Systems Guy
> --
>My firewall filters MS Office attachments.
>AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse
There is a chance, yes. Can't say how much of a chance, but there is one.
You may consider putting together concrete lists of words so that I
or others may keep them on short lists so that when we have Allison
do various recordings we can find them in a single place. In fact, a
bugnote would be the optimal place to put them and then mail me with
the bug ID #.