Hi I received the Asterisk Dev Kit Lite on Saturday and got a small PBX working fairly quickly using the config files supplied with the kit. This was on my desktop machine and the sound card stopped working. I turned the system off and moved the sound card to another slot to give it a different IRQ. On reboot, the modules zaptel, wcfxo, and wcusb all load OK and asterisk starts OK but there is no dialtone on the extension and the X101P never answers. The command "show channels" shows nothing. I moved cards around, rebuilt, reloaded, rebooted... nothing worked. I bought a new system and did a fresh RH9 install. Did a cvs checkout of zaptel, asterisk, zapata, and libpri. The problem persists on the new machine. The new box is on a separate spur on the firewall so I'll be glad to give root access to anyone willing to help. Any ideas on what to do next? Thanks Bob Smith bsmith at linuxtoys dot org
Scott Stingel
2003-Dec-25 13:42 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] X101P stopped working. Newbie seeks help
This is probably not the problem, but if you have a slow machine (<500MHz), you might try putting a couple seconds of "sleep" between each stage of the startup (modprobe, ztcfg, asterisk etc) and see if it helps. One of my machines is slow, and I had the same problem with the demo kit. Or, instead of starting everything automatically at reboot, do each step manually (with -vv on ztcfg) and see if you get any errors. Good luck Scott Scott M. Stingel Emerging Voice Technology Inc. Email: scott@evtmedia.com <mailto:scott@evtmedia.com> URL: www.evtmedia.com <http://www.evtmedia.com>> -----Original Message----- > From: asterisk-users-admin@lists.digium.com > [mailto:asterisk-users-admin@lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Bob Smith > Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:26 PM > To: asterisk-users@lists.digium.com > Subject: [Asterisk-Users] X101P stopped working. Newbie seeks help > > > Hi > > I received the Asterisk Dev Kit Lite on Saturday and got > a small PBX working fairly quickly using the config files > supplied with the kit. This was on my desktop machine > and the sound card stopped working. I turned the system > off and moved the sound card to another slot to give it > a different IRQ. On reboot, the modules zaptel, wcfxo, > and wcusb all load OK and asterisk starts OK but there is > no dialtone on the extension and the X101P never answers. > The command "show channels" shows nothing. I moved cards > around, rebuilt, reloaded, rebooted... nothing worked. > > I bought a new system and did a fresh RH9 install. Did a > cvs checkout of zaptel, asterisk, zapata, and libpri. > The problem persists on the new machine. > > The new box is on a separate spur on the firewall so I'll > be glad to give root access to anyone willing to help. > Any ideas on what to do next? > > > Thanks > Bob Smith > bsmith at linuxtoys dot org > > _______________________________________________ > Asterisk-Users mailing list > Asterisk-Users@lists.digium.com > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users > >