How does * read and process the extension.conf file??
The reason I ask is that I think it probably has a very large impact on how the
calls are routed and processed by the system especially when it comes to least
cost routing..
Let me explain...with an example..
I am using the * Devkit to get to grips with the system, so I have and X100P
(Zap/1) and and S100U (Zap/2)..
Below is my extensions.conf and the output from 'show dialplan'...
When I look at 'show dialplan' on the console the order of the various
entries has been shifted around in a different order to the way it was entered
into the extensions.conf file.. So the file must not processed sequentially..
The way it is setup now appears to work but I have had to make a slightly odd
[dialout] configuration in so that it would in fact do the leased cost routing
and use the international numbers correctly..
So does the order of the entries in the show dialplan have any relevance to the
way the system works or is there some other logic that determines the way the
calls are routed and processed??
BTW if there is something that I have done in this config that is fundamentally
wrong please let me know what it is and why it is wrong.. I am still a newbie
and have only had a working system for about a week..
===== extensions.conf - start ====
;incoming calls
exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/2)
exten => 1234,1,Dial(Zap/2,,t)
exten => 1234,2,Congestion
exten => 1235,1,Dial(SIP/1235,,t)
exten => 1235,2,Congestion
exten => 1236,1,Dial(SIP/1236,,t)
exten => 1236,2,Congestion
include => parkedcalls
include => dialout
ignorepat => 9
exten => _9[01][1-9].,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
exten => _9[01][1-9].,2,Congestion
include => international
ignorepat => 9
; Mobile phones - South Africa
exten => _90027[78].,1,Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
exten => _90027[78].,2,Congestion
; Landlines - South Africa
exten => _90027[1-3].,1,Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
exten => _90027[1-3].,2,Congestion
; Canada - All Phones
exten => _9001.,1,Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
exten => _9001.,2,Congestion
===== extensions.conf - end ====
===== show dialplan - start ====
[ Context 'international' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'_9001.' => 1. Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
'_90027[1-3].' => 1. Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
'_90027[78].' => 1. Dial(Zap/1/<access-number>ww${EXTEN:1})
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
Ignore pattern => '9'
[ Context 'dialout' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'_9[01][1-9].' => 1. Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
Include => 'international'
Ignore pattern => '9'
[ Context 'extensions' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'1234' => 1. Dial(Zap/2||t)
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
'1235' => 1. Dial(SIP/1235||t)
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
'1236' => 1. Dial(SIP/1236||t)
2. Congestion() [pbx_config]
Include => 'parkedcalls'
Include => 'dialout'
[ Context 'default' created by 'pbx_config' ]
's' => 1. Dial(Zap/2)
===== show dialplan - end ====--
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