I've also noticed that my SIP phones (snom [12]00) seem to deregister themselves after some time, and not be able to re-register until Asterisk is restarted. This problem only manifested with the latest CVS. -- Luke -- Luke Howard | PADL Software Pty Ltd | padl.com
>Turn off reinvites and that will likely fix this.Thank you; it does. -- Luke -- Luke Howard | PADL Software Pty Ltd | padl.com
I notice that since the SIP update Asterisk seems to crash every few hours. I haven't managed to get a core dump yet but I will post the backtrace as soon as I can get one... In case I need to back down to a known good version, does anyone know what the version of channels/chan_sip.c before the SIP retransmission patch is? -- Luke -- Luke Howard | PADL Software Pty Ltd | padl.com