On Tue, 7 May 2002, Caveman wrote:
> Hi, my name is Eduardo, i?m working on my own linux distribution, i want to
use isolinux but these are the problems that i have:
> This is the command that i made to make the iso of my distribution:
> mkisofs -o /argentux.iso -R -V "Instalacion de ArgenTUX" -A
"Disco de instalacion de ArgenTUX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -b
isolinux/isolinux.boot -c isolinux/isolinux.boot /argentux
you have the same file specified for -b and -c. they should be different.
try "-c isolinux/isolinux.cat" instead. note that you do not need to
create the isolinux.cat file; the mkisofs command will create this
inside the ISO file for you.
> The iso is making, she finish, i burn the cd, but the cd do not load or not
boot, what can be the problem?
> 2) i want to put a graphical init of the isolinux, how i can make work that
> Thanks for your time, and sorry for my bad english.
> Greetings.
> Eduardo L. Arana
> caveman at hotpop.com
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