In R you just need to take the log of the whole whole data.frame where you
have your pci* and store in a new variable.
You do not need to use a "for" loop:
log.df <- log(your_data_frame)
Carlos Ortega
On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM, deepankar <dbasu@econs.umass.edu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is surely an easy question but somehow I am not being able to get it.
> I am using R 2.13.2 and have a data set where variable names like this
> appear:
> pci1990, pci1991, ... , pci2009.
> "pci1990" has data on per capita income for 1990,
"pci1991" has data on per
> capita income for 1991, and so on.
> I would like to create the logarithm of per capita for each of the year and
> could do so in STATA with the following commands:
> forvalues number = 1990/2009 {
> gen lpci`number' = log(pci`number')
> }
> What would be the corresponding set of commands in R?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Deepankar
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