I haven't tested it thoroughly but what worked here is
replacing> download.file(url, destfile, quiet = FALSE)
sys_call <- paste( "wget", url, ">", destfile,
sep=" " )
system( sys_call )
Program execution continues, whether or not the download from url was
successful. However, wget is, I believe, not available on Windows.
On Friday 16 September 2011 15:07:15 Mary Kindall wrote:> I am planning to download a large number of files from some website. I am
> using the following script.
> files2down = c('aaa', 'bbb', ................)
> for (i in 1: len)
> {
> print(paste('downloading file', i, ' of total ', len));
> url = paste(urlPrefix, files2down[i], sep='')
> destfile = paste (dest, 'inDir', files2down[i], sep='/' )
> download.file(url, destfile, quiet = FALSE)
> }
> It works fine as long as the file is present. When the file is not present,
> it exit from loop. Is there a way to continue looping if error occurs.
> Thanks