Hi, I'm planing to move a big mail server currently under Dovecot 0.99 to Dovecot 1.0 stable. One problem I had once when doing this was that all the UIDL had to change and that all users using pop3 and leaving their messages on the server had to re-download all of them, which is annoying. I'd like to know to the UIDL really have to change when migrating from 0.99 to 1.0stable or if this was a configuration problem on my side. Are there any tips for this to be as transparent as possible for the users ? Thank you. -- Nico L'id?e que la science peut et doit ?tre organis?e selon des r?gles ? la fois fixes et universelles est utopique et pernicieuse. -+- Paul Feyerabend -+-
2005-May-28 11:23 UTC
[Dovecot] Re: Migrating Dovecot 0.99 to 1.0stable: the UIDL issue
Le 05/24/2005 11:21 PM, Nicolas STRANSKY a ?crit :> I'm planing to move a big mail server currently under Dovecot 0.99 to > Dovecot 1.0 stable. One problem I had once when doing this was that all > the UIDL had to change and that all users using pop3 and leaving their > messages on the server had to re-download all of them, which is annoying. > I'd like to know to the UIDL really have to change when migrating from > 0.99 to 1.0stable or if this was a configuration problem on my side. > Are there any tips for this to be as transparent as possible for the > users ?I just have a simple question regarding the UIDL compatibility between Dovecot 0.99 and 1.0-stable. Do the UIDL change between both versions, and if yes, is there a way that they do not change, so that pop3 users leaving their mail on the server do not have to re-download all af them ? Thank's for any answers ! -- Nico Il faut remettre une fois par an son avenir en jeu. -+- Arthur Cravan -+-
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