Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "Migrating Dovecot 0.99 to 1.0stable"
2001 Oct 15
Crash of RGui under Windows 2000 (PR#1131)
Full_Name: Davide Fiaschi
Version: R 1.3.1 and 1.2.3
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
When I try to start RGUI, it generates an error in application and R chashs.
(NOTE: R worked very well with trial version of Windows 2000!)
Here is the (not very informative form me) Dr Watson's report:
Exception dell'applicazione:
App: (pid=1140)
2005 Jul 20
Debian has moved to 1.0stable
Now that sarge has been released, I have as requested moved Debians'
Dovecot packages to the 1.0stable branch. Most of the work was actually
done by Fabio Tranchitella who is joining me as co-maintainer. The new
packages should be available in sid later today. A backport to sarge will
also be provided as soon as I can get around to it.
Please report all problems to the Debian bug
2008 Mar 15
Naissance de fr.centos.org / Birth of fr.centos.org
(For non native french speakers : that will be my only announce here in
another language than english ;-) )
Le projet CentOS est heureux de vous annoncer la naissance du site
http://fr.centos.org .
En r?ponse ? la demande croissante de la communaut? des utilisateurs
francophones de CentOS, le forum fr.centos.org a vu le jour.
Nous profitons de cette annonce pour relancer l'appel aux
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@free.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les survivants
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier (PR#1245)
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@free.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les survivants
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier (PR#1246)
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@wanadoo.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@free.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les survivants
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@free.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les survivants
2005 Jul 22
Re: Bug#319504: Bug in 0.99.14 mbox handling - mail UIDs are renumbered without bumping UIDVALIDITY
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, David McBride wrote:
> Package: dovecot-imapd
> Version: 0.99.14-1
> Severity: important
> Hi,
> I think I've identified a bug in Dovecot 0.99.14 as packaged and
> distributed by Debian Sarge. I believe the bug lies in the original
> Dovecot source, not with any modifications made by Debian.
> Specifically, this bug deals with
2019 Dec 29
Dovecot Postfix MySQL Authentication Issues
I aim using mysql 5.7.28
Postfix 3.4,8
It began a whole and I was using the Purple Hat Organiation installation guide which was loaded with minor errors
Now dead in water
2008 Jan 04
Salut Alex.
En fait je me suis rendu compte de mon erreur à propos de "HSCROLL", ça marche correctement. La scrollbarre apparaît et fonctionne bien. La dernière fois j''ai eu l''impression qu''elle ne marchait pas, car cela peut arriver que la dernière lettre de la ligne de charactères qui s''affiche soit un peu coupée par la "VSCROLL".
2007 Jun 22
exemple html - RSS
alex écrit:
Ce n''est pas possible d''afficher RSS/atom lui-même avec Wx::HtmlWindow.
Mais vous pouvez vous servir de quelques bibliothèques ruby pour
chercher RSS (par exemple ''net/http'', ''mechanize'', ''http-access2'') et
l''analyser (par exemple ''rexml'').
Donc, on devrait créer HTML qui répresente
2005 Aug 03
debs for 1.0?
0.99 is running nicely on my sarges, but I need
pop3_uidl_format = %f for Courier compatibility.
I can't find any debs more recent than test22 of over a year ago
(those are at http://src.braincells.com/dovecot-test/).
Even though google turns up
searching for dovecot on packages.debian.org (any
2005 Sep 18
Can't connect to auth server at default: Connection refused
We've being running with Dovecot 1.0-stable since Tuesday, and on the
whole it's gone very well (meaning nobody's noticed!). My best estimate
is we're using half the disk accesses and 2/3 the CPU of UW-IMAP/Qpopper.
We've quite a mixture of error messages in the logs, the most worrying
of which is that several times we've had a few seconds of "xxx-login:
2005 May 12
Batch mode problem: figure margins too large (code corrected for word wrap)
First of all, I apologize for the triple post, but I did not see that the
word wrap on the r-help list site would render my code unusable. So here it
is again. Hoping that this time it will work if you cut and paste it in
your Rgui.
I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in a batch
file (Execution halted).
Here's the code (it will work on your R, but you need
2005 Oct 24
Problem with ip route . VERY SLOW
Hello everybody
Im french and im a network administrator.
It the firs time I write on this mailing list ..
I configure a debian distribution (the last one sarge) with iproute2 to
route packets depending on source ip address
It works fine but it is very very slow .
When I make a ping for example on a windows machine :
[in French ]
$> ping www.Google.Fr
2007 May 10
R talks at LSM 2007
Dear R users and developers,
Would any of you be interested in giving a lecture about R and/or R
use cases at the following free software conference that takes place
in Amiens, France, next summer?
We already had a talk on R last year by Yves Croissant
(http://2006.rmll.info/theme_26?lang=en) but are still open to any
submission this year.
We expect some talks this year (to be confirmed) about
2005 May 12
beginner in Asterisk configuration
i am french student and i want configure a Asterisk server.
when I want launch the server with the command safe_asterisk -vvvvvcf
the server answer : Asterisk ended with exit status 1
Asterisk died with code 1
what is the signification of it please ?
thank you
MSN Hotmail :
2005 Dec 13
what does this warnings mean? and what should I do?
I use lmer to fit a mixed effect model.It give some warnings.what does this warnings mean? and what should I do?
> (fm2.mlm <- lmer(qd ~ edu + jiankang + peixun +hunyin + cadcj + age + age2 + sex + dangyuan + Comp.1 + Comp.2+trust.cz1 +(trust.cz1|commid), data = individual,na.action = "na.exclude",family="quasibinomial"))
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
2005 Nov 28
Pop-before-smtp and MySQL?
I found that dovecot have many nice features.
Now I write because I'm tring to setup the dovecot server, I would
substitute a qpopper daemon (patched for mysql authentication)
The problem I find is to set up the pop-before-smtp using sql (mysq) as
written in http://wiki.dovecot.org/moin.cgi/PopBSMTPAndDovecot
(Waiting for post_login ;-)
I would use the script popbsmtp.sh and not a perl