I'm creating a function in R. However, I have a large number of function parameters, and need to find an efficient solution for running the function with all the parameters. So in the following function, I have about 20 parameters that I assign to the function, with almost all the values being different. Is there an efficient way to deal with functions where one has a lot of parameters? mynewfunc <- function(campaign, camaignnum, location, locationnum, adgroup, adgroupnum, keyword, keywordnum, title, titlenu, description, descriptionnum, url, urlnum, source, sourcenu, bid, budnum, destination, destinationnum){ df data.frame(campaign=c(rep(campaign,times=campaignnum)), location=c(rep(location,times=locationnum)), adgroup=c(rep(adgroup,times=adgroup)), keyword=c(rep(keyword,times=keywordnum)), title=c(rep(title1,times=title1num), rep(title2,times=title2num)), description=c(rep(description1,times=descnum1), rep(description2,times=descnum2)), url=c(rep(url,urlnum)), trafficsource=c(rep(source,sourcenum)), bid=c(rep(bid,bidnum)), destination=c(rep(destination,destinationnum))) } I'm running R 2.13 on Windows 7. Abraham [[alternative HTML version deleted]]