Dear list, I've been learning how to make a 2x2 paneled dotplot in lattice without any previous experience using lattice. my code thusfar is: nut<-read.table("/Users/colinwahl/Desktop/nutsimp_noerror.csv", T, sep",") attach(nut) nut1<-data.frame(Nitrate, Total_Nitrogen, Phosphate, Total_Phosphorus) nut1<-as.matrix(nut1) rownames(nut1)<-group ylimlist=list(c(0,10), c(0,10), c(0,0.25), c(0,0.25)) dotplot(nut1, groups=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE, scales = list(relation='free' ), ylim=ylimlist, ylab="Nutrient Concentration (mg/L)") I have two issues currently: eliminating y and x tick labels between panels, and creating error bars. 1st issue: Figure 4.1 in Deepayan Sarkar's book creates a simple 2x2 dotplot that only has x and y axis tick labels on the bottom and left margins of the whole figure: dotplot(VADeaths, groups = FALSE) When I add scales = list(relation='free') to customize y ranges with ylim=ylimlist, each panel has its own y and x axis tick labels. I would like the figure panels to fit to gether like this simple figure. 2nd issue: I'd like to create standard error bars for each point. The most direct option I've observed is from: It seems to use the following panel function to create 95% conf. intervals: panel=function(x,y) { panel.grid(v=0, h=-6, lty=3) panel.segments($lower95, as.numeric(y),$upper95, as.numeric(y), lty=1, col=1) panel.segments($lower50, as.numeric(y),$upper50, as.numeric(y), lty=1, lwd=4, col='grey60') panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, cex=1.2, col='white') panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=1, cex=1.1, col='black') panel.abline(v=0, col=2, lty=2) } I tried to adapt this to my data resulting in the following code: dotplot(nut1, groups=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE, scales = list(relation='free' ), ylim=ylimlist, ylab="Nutrient Concentration (mg/L)", panel=function(x,y) { panel.segments(nut$N.upper, as.numeric(y), nut$N.lower, as.numeric(y), lty=1 , col=1) }) I have no experience with panel functions and would very much appreciate advice. Thank you, Colin Wahl Graduate Student Dept. of Biology Western Washington University [[alternative HTML version deleted]]